Shaker Systems — Resources for vibration condition data acquisition and noise

Shaker Systems

Types of Vibration Control

Types of Vibration Control

Vibration Research designs and manufactures leading edge vibration control systems for all brands of electrodynamic and servohydraulic shakers, as well as portable dynamic signal analyzers. Vibration control systems include hardware vibration controllers and the vibration control software, providing a multi-point control of complex structures, all with an intuitive user interface and easy setup.

Tips or guidance to consider before buying and operating a vibration shaker

Tips or guidance to consider before buying and operating a vibration shaker

In order to choose the right shaker, there are a few major specifications to consider such as frequency range and waveform, displacement and velocity, the number of axes to be tested, payloads and vibration/shock levels, and force rating.

SRS - Shock Response Spectrum

SRS - Shock Response Spectrum

The SRS is commonly used to characterize the frequency content of an acceleration time-history record. Shock response spectrum analysis is the maximum response of a series of single degree of freedom systems having the same damping to a given transient signal.

Vibration Testing on Shakers

Vibration Testing on Shakers

Vibration Testing is one such environmental test critical to the design process. All closed-loop vibration tests, consists of four main components: a vibration controller, an amplifier, a shaker, and a feedback sensor, together, these four components make up a vibration testing system. ETS Solutions Asia instruments vibration controllers control electrodynamic and hydraulic shakers from tabletop to warehouse size systems.

Vibration Resistance of Electrical Equipment

Vibration Resistance of Electrical Equipment

Shock and vibration resistance gives information concerning the robustness of the mechanical design of a device. The methods for evaluating the vibration resistance are defined in IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068- 2-64. Electrical and electronic equipment are exposed to vibration in many applications and must withstand this without any degeneration, or even failure, in their function. Therefore, manufacturers of electrical and electronic devices put a great deal of effort into ensuring their instruments are prepared for such applications.

Random Vibration Testing

Random Vibration Testing

Random vibrations are the oscillations of mechanical systems excited by environments that vary randomly in time and, perhaps, space. Practically all real physical systems are subjected to random dynamic environments, and many systems will fail due to the effects of these exposures.

Limitations of Existing Vibration Testing Systems

Limitations of Existing Vibration Testing Systems

The high force shaker (>70kN typically) vibration testing system is unable to handle larger test article and mass. The CG of such test articles cannot be easily controlled which can result in high overturning moment and causes great stress to the ball bearing assembly.